one-nil,one-nil.........What a brilliant game!!!Beckham's was a beauty; but Teddy's my man-what a trier!He's always in there, having a go,when others stand about looking gormless-not today though,England actually looked like a team AND awake!
Roll on Wed.
termite 35
JoinedPosts by termite 35
England vs Argentina
by ballistic in.. is in 1 hour.. now lets see, i'm going to be watching it at work and getting paid for it, but the problem is there's no beer.. what would you say?
termite 35
JW Dating Service :)
by Incense_and_Peppermints in .
"um, i like serving jehovah, and going to the kingdom hall... and um, serving jehovah, and bookstudies, and serving jehovah, and meeting beautiful sisters, and serving jehovah of course.
" [8>]
termite 35
If my hubby shouts at me one more time today i'll join...(reaching for the laxatives...his coffee hot and ready...coming sweetheart...!!)
Remember "The Goodies" ?
by Simon inwhy don't they ever repeat them?
i remember them being hillarious (although i was quite little) like the outbreak of rolf harris's.. easily as funny as monty python that sometimes get's repeated to death.
termite 35
Ah,happy memories!I used to watch the Goodies with my dad...we also used to watch 'Are you being served?', The Good Lifeand Dad's Army.They recently re-ran Dad's Army and the Good Life-my 12 year old and 8 year old loved them.They thought Felicity Kendall looked really trendy;'cos of this 70's revival!
(now we'll have a Felicity Kendall thread) -
What Color Is Your Aura?
by MrMoe inwhat color is your aura?
quiz time!!!
termite 35
Green!Just like my car;politics;fingers (and skin tone after this afternoon with friends and all that wine!)
How does WTBS keep charitable Status?
by termite 35 indoes anyone know how they qualify for charitable status when the charity they donate to is themselves?!.
what are the conditions for being tax exempt due to c.t?.
it seems so odd that they can claim this just for making their accounts public-you can hardly compare what they do to christian aid or the rnli, can you?.
termite 35
Thanks both of you;I think i'll have to get some info on the rules governing charitable status and tax exemption-surely the governments can't be so stupid as to allow the WTBS to donate to themselves and thus pay no tax,when they can clearly see the monies accumulating and being sunk into property etc;It beggers belief when you consider how much revenue they're missing out on-I hope they crack down on them soon...
Governing Body member rumors
by Insider indoes anyone know of any good rumors about specific members of the wt governing body?
termite 35
Inside'er-Change your username- it's DISGUSTING.
Elder with arrest warrant
by Insider inwhat would you think if you discovered that a local elder had a warrant for his arrest?
termite 35
'...about time, too...'
How does WTBS keep charitable Status?
by termite 35 indoes anyone know how they qualify for charitable status when the charity they donate to is themselves?!.
what are the conditions for being tax exempt due to c.t?.
it seems so odd that they can claim this just for making their accounts public-you can hardly compare what they do to christian aid or the rnli, can you?.
termite 35
Does anyone know how they qualify for charitable status when the charity they donate to is themselves?!
What are the conditions for being tax exempt due to C.T?
It seems so odd that they can claim this just for making their accounts public-you can hardly compare what they do to Christian Aid or the RNLI, can you?
I know there was the Aid Afrique set up; but as that was them it hardly qualifies ,does it?
Does it matter to the charities commission that they donate to themselves-even if it is another country?Surely it must or all companies would be on to this loophole...
Is it because they have a religion tag?Are the mags considered to be the 'donation'?-'FREE' bible literature=CHARITY?
Does anyone know anything about this? I don't, but i'd like to !! -
If You Can't Face A Witness Funeral Again..
by Englishman ini posted recently about how i attended a humanist funeral for my pal knocker john.
no prayers, no hymns, just a natural goodbye that, in itself, contained a healing element that somewhat counteracted our feelings of grief.. then i think back to the funeral of my dad in the 80s.
it was, quite simply, nothing more than a commercial for the witness religion.
termite 35
Eman;well, everyone's said it all really-I know it's nice to respect your mother's wishes to have it in the KH ;but a eulogy is such a big part to miss out is'nt it? I think i'd like to insist on saying my piece;but if they won't 'let'... you,that's ample reason to do it elsewhere
MrMoe;did I read your post right?Did you go to your mothers funeral last week; or were you 'thinking' about it last week?I've lost my mother too-hugs to you sweetie-how are you feeling? XXX
hello.......newbie here
by scootergirl injust wanted to say hello and that i am very excited to find a board such as this one!
guaranteed you will see more of me and i am looking forward to getting to know more of you!
termite 35
Hi Scootergirl,we're glad to have you here!Look forward to reading your posts XX